
Body insecurities are a universal part of being human, and no one is exempt from having moments of self-consciousness or body criticism.  Having body insecurities doesn’t mean that there is something wrong with you, or with your body. However, sometimes feeling insecure about your body can start leading to shame, frustration, and avoidance in your life. If you’re feeling like you want to make a change in how you deal with body image insecurities, here are some writing activities that can help you get started. 

First, a little introduction to these activities: I talk often with my clients about how self-reflection is most fruitful when it is paired with action. It’s great to be introspective and aware of your struggles and where they come from, but stopping at self-reflection is not likely to help you make any changes. So, the activities below start with self-reflection, and are meant to lead you to take action as you deal with insecurities about your body. As always, you get to choose whether or not to do these activities and how deeply and intensely you approach them. 

Reflection: write down your thoughts about these questions.

  • What things do I avoid because I feel insecure about my body?
  • What experiences have I missed out on in the past because of body insecurities?


  • Write down one thing you have been avoiding because of body insecurities, that you will now commit to do. For example, “I’ve been avoiding going swimming with friends, so I am going to the pool this week.”


  • What positive or neutral experiences have I had in my body recently?


  • Talk to your body out loud, and thank it for those positive or neutral experiences. Notice that your insecurities can be present alongside positive or neutral feelings.


  • What are the experiences and relationships that have contributed to my body insecurities?


  • Notice and write down the emotions that you feel as you acknowledge the origins of your body insecurities.

Your experience in your body is complex, and layered with the meaning and memories of the life you have lived. The way you feel about your body is intertwined with the many relationships, experiences, and systems your body has interacted with throughout your life. While no single journal activity is going to make insecurities about your body disappear, approaching your body insecurities with the intent to find healing is never wasted effort. 
