
As the days become longer and the temperature rises, you may find yourself prepping for the summer months. Planning weekend getaways, identifying a list of activities to attend, possibly even planting new flowers or doing some cleaning. Whatever your summer prep includes, hoping to change your body to be worthy of these activities should not make the to-do list.

It is easy to fall victim to the expectations that others set for us regarding “summer bodies”. But as we know, focusing heavily on this change leaves little room for other values such as connection, leisure, or growth. Your body is not the outcome of your summer, nor should you allow the vulnerability of being embodied to hinder your ability to enjoy the season. 

You deserve a fun-filled, intentional, connection-based summer, showing up as exactly who you are. Here is a list of 10 things to add to your summer live list that have nothing to do with your physical appearance:

  1. Go for a swim- you don’t have to change your body to be worthy of wearing a bathing suit
  2. Try a new recipe
  3. Go 24 hours without social media 
  4. Read a new book
  5. Have a picnic with friends 
  6. Hike a different trail
  7. Enjoy a campfire
  8. Eat a snowcone 
  9. Learn something new
  10. Take a family photo

In my experience, the summers that I have approached the season being authentic and embodied have helped create the mindset where I am able to enjoy being present and creating memories. You are so much more than your body. Don’t allow negative thoughts or unrealistic expectations to dominate the outcome of your summer. 
