
How do I get the most out of ketamine therapy? 

KAP Integration. Integration therapy sessions are scheduled 1 – 3 days after dosing sessions in addition to being conducted during dosing sessions, and utilize several treatment modalities designed to help you integrate your dosing experience relative to your treatment goals and establish coping skills that leverage the positive effects of the medicine. If you currently work with other mental health providers, please inform them of your KAP treatment and continue meeting with them regularly. 

An important part of integration is helping you gain traction on building good habits that support well-being and serve as protective factors against relapse or worsening symptoms. The therapist will guide you through each of the coping skills and we strongly encourage you to prioritize these self-care activities daily for effective change and sustainable results over time. 

Box Breathing. Box breathing is a form of deep, diaphragmatic breathing designed to bring both calm and focus. Paced breathing lowers the physiological stress response, which in turn supports your ability to respond mindfully rather than react impulsively in challenging situations. 

Practice box breathing for 2-5 minutes several times a day and any time you find yourself feeling anxious or upset. Imagine a box and along each side of the box you will focus on a specific aspect of breathing:

  • Side 1: 4 count inhale
  • Side 2: 4 count hold
  • Side 3: 4 count exhale
  • Side 4: 4 count hold  

Mindfulness for Humans Online Course. As part of KAP treatment at Balance Health and Healing, you have lifetime access to this excellent evidence-based mindfulness course by Dr. Jared Warren, PhD, Psychologist, Mindfulness Teacher, and BYU Clinical Psychology Professor. Please plan to spend time in this course daily throughout your KAP treatment. 

The course is composed of 15 short sessions that include mindfulness training and meditations. A focused mindfulness practice builds upon the KAP treatment you are receiving through several channels, but most notably by facilitating neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity enhances your ability to integrate new learning and make meaningful changes in your life. 

Coping Skills. Prioritize self-care and coping skills to maximize results and build good habits over time, including: 7 – 9 hours of sleep; well-balanced nutrition and hydration; exercise, including stretching or yoga; time in nature; limited screen time and discretion about media consumption; journaling about thoughts, emotions, and new understandings; daily meditation and reflection (some of our favorite apps include Insight Timer, Calm, Head Space); Healthy Minds, an evidence-based app designed to strengthen mindfulness and attention in small moments each day.