
What should I do after ketamine therapy?

Reorientation after Dosing. After you’ve completed your dosing experience, take time to reorient. There is no rush. Once you feel ready, you are invited to take notes in a journal or notebook, or ask your support person to take notes for you. Once mobile, walk with support and use elevators instead of stairs. Be sure to drink plenty of water and introduce food as you feel ready. Clear your schedule on dosing days, and once home, rest, engage in self-care activities, and spend time with supportive loved ones. 

After dosing, you may notice that you’re more emotional, more expressive, and more open to sharing your personal experience. This is one of the ways the medication seems to work. Allow yourself to cry, express gratitude, and feel compassion for yourself and others. Loved ones can best support you by providing loving care and a listening ear. Dosing days are not the time to have challenging conversations or tackle specific relationship concerns. 

What happens after I complete ketamine therapy? 

At completion of KAP treatment, we will continue to closely monitor your symptoms to assess if or when Maintenance KAP may be indicated. We utilize valid and reliable assessments in addition to our clinical observations and your self-report. It is not uncommon for individuals to benefit from Maintenance KAP anywhere from 1 – 6 months post-KAP treatment. Maintenance KAP may include 1 – 2 dosing sessions with integration, based on significance of symptoms. 

It’s important to reach out to our team when you first notice an increase in your symptoms so we can quickly get you in for Maintenance KAP. Maintenance KAP within 12 months does not require a new medical intake or psychiatric intake unless medical status has changed substantially, but may require a preparation session with the therapist to determine that Maintenance KAP is indicated. 

In addition to staying in touch with our team about your symptoms, at the completion of ketamine-assisted psychotherapy, it is very important that you maintain engagement with psychotherapy as this helps prolong the effects of the medication and facilitate integration of psychological insights into everyday life. Continue consistent use of coping skills, a mindfulness practice, balanced movement, and rest and recovery. These daily efforts facilitate the positive changes of the medicine and help to create lasting change.