Impact of Stress on Leadership

Impact of Stress on Leadership

As a clinician leader, you have a lot of responsibility on your shoulders.  Whether it’s ensuring consistent referrals, providing excellent clinical care, or supporting your team, the demands on leaders are constant and require a nimble approach that is grounded in core principles so that the stressors you face don’t undo you.  (more…)

Costs of Comparing

Costs of Comparing

We all do it. We watch other women at the grocery store, at the gym, at church. We scan their bodies, we criticize their clothing, we pick apart their make up. Why do we do this? Are we really this critical? Are we really this mean?


Suicidal Clients: Carrying the Emotional Burden

Suicidal Clients: Carrying the Emotional Burden

Is it just me, or are we hearing and reading about suicide more these days?  In recent weeks there has been a lot of news coverage of prominent individuals committing suicide, and most reports indicate that suicide rates are indeed rising in the United States.  We need look no further than the Netflix series 13 Reasons to see that our society is intersecting with suicide more and more.


Why Clients Resist Self-Care and What to Do About It

Why Clients Resist Self-Care and What to Do About It

As a clinician, I have spent years trumpeting the value of self-care, coping skills, and mindfulness practice. Typically, there is a point where I see a client’s eyes glaze over as they dismiss what I’m saying.

What’s the deal? Is it that I haven’t perfected my elevator-pitch regarding the value of self-care? Is it because I’m talking at them rather than to them? While I’m confident there are ways I can refine my pitch, I have also come to recognize that there is a natural resistance to the use of coping skills and self-care behaviors. Let’s take a look at some of the reasons for this resistance, and what to do about it.
