Why you should become a BOOK WORM

Why you should become a BOOK WORM

When you were in Jr. High or High School and your English teacher gave you a sheet to track the amount of pages you had to read that term, did you moan? Or did you look at the number of pages required and think, “Oh, I could probably double that number!”? (more…)

Scrambling through Life

Scrambling through Life

Scrambling Through Life

Do you ever feel like you are scrambling through life? That no matter what obstacle you complete or finish line you cross, you are never really settled? I know I am, and to quote Winston Churchill, “Life is one damn thing after another.” (more…)

Quarter of a Century

Quarter of a Century

On May 1st, I switched my mom’s calendar for her and was taken back for a moment; on my birthday, she has written Josee “25”. 25. A quarter of a century. Half-way to thirty. Or as my grandpa so graciously put it, 1/4th of the way dead. (more…)

Growing Pains

Growing Pains

Even though I’m only four feet eleven and 1/2 an inch (well, 3/4’s of an inch on a good day) tall, I did actually experience growing pains growing up. The leg aches. Oh the leg aches. I remember crying to my dad one night because I couldn’t fall asleep because both of my legs just ached. And I didn’t know why. He tried explaining to me what growing pains were. He said that even though they were uncomfortable, they were necessary to grow big and strong.


Braving My Wilderness

Braving My Wilderness

I am not a therapist here at Balance Health & Healing. In fact, I’m not a therapist at all. I just graduated from Utah Valley University with a Bachelor of Science in Communications, emphasis in public relations. But I’ve been the Office Manager here for a little more than a year and a half and post all of the blogs on the website. So I decided that, although I am not a therapist, I am a human with thoughts & emotions, and it’s time I take a stab at my own blog post. 
