The Naughty List

The Naughty List

For those of us who celebrate Christmas, you and/or the children in your life have probably feared the dreaded promise of coal from Santa for being “naughty”. Let’s face it, we’re all naughty sometimes, even during the holidays. With the fear of being a Scrooge, I’ve decided to talk about how to try and minimize that inevitable naughtiness of children this holiday season – so the children can get their gifts, of course. And maybe also so you can regain some sanity.


Up in the Air

Up in the Air

Coming to you this month from above the clouds. I’ve been given a very unique privilege of traveling to an island I’ve never heard of to represent one of my nations of citizenship in an international soccer tournament. For the past two weeks, people keep asking me, “are you excited?” To which I think- this is an amazing experience! So why does excitement feel like it’s at the bottom of the string of emotions I’m feeling?


Just Be Whelmed

Just Be Whelmed

To those of you who share my love for 1990’s rom-coms, you may remember this particular exchange from 10 Things I Hate About You:

Chastity: “I know you can be overwhelmed, and you can be underwhelmed, but can you ever just be, like, whelmed?”

Bianca: “I think you can in Europe.”  (more…)

Confidently Uncertain

Confidently Uncertain

Whether you’ve just lost a job, are trying something new, received a poor grade, or experienced some sort of rejection or loss, we’ve all had moments of waning confidence in our selves and our abilities.  (more…)

Therapist For a Day

Therapist For a Day

Recently, I’ve had several conversations with peers about how difficult it is to interact with people on the opposite side of controversial issues such as politics, religion, and race relations. The things that we feel passionately about that, when someone else challenges, really gets the blood pumping. What I’ve told my friends is this – practice being a therapist.  (more…)