How to Rock Change

How to Rock Change

The next four months of my life are filled with many changes. Starting an internship, moving into my own place, and getting a puppy. I am so excited for all of these new opportunities, but I always face fears and uncertainties when change is on the horizon. Fears of the unknown, fears I made the wrong decision. Fears that I won’t be able to handle it, and so on. Change can feel really overwhelming, but hopefully these insights can aid in the “impending change feelings”.  (more…)

Stressing Out About Stress

Stressing Out About Stress

About a month ago, I went to the dentist and endured one of the most painful check-ups I’ve had in years. I’ve flossed my teeth nightly for at least eight years, so I wasn’t entirely sure why I was in so much pain. When I brought this up to the dentist, he asked what has been stressing me lately. To which I responded with a list that may have bordered on over-sharing. My dentist was the third person that had brought up stress in regards to symptoms I have been facing and I’ve had a few people bring it up since, so I’m thinking it’s about time that I listen and work on decreasing some stress in my life. (more…)

Procrastination or Avoidance Coping?

Procrastination or Avoidance Coping?

My closet is cleaned out, new items for my room have been bought, trips have been researched, and lots of Psych episodes have been watched. This is just a small list of all that I have participated in these past few months instead of working on my applications for internship. I have really been struggling with avoidance coping.   (more…)

Getting Over Yourself

Getting Over Yourself

A common concern I hear from my clients, and something I’ve experienced myself, is self-doubt. It’s so frustrating to have desires and goals for yourself and then you get in your own dang way because self-doubts start creeping in! Or if you overcome the initial self-doubt and end up beginning on a goal, self-doubt ends up tagging along with constant thoughts that you can’t do it and that you’re not good enough.  (more…)



Although I have not had a child of my own, I’ve heard many recollections of the first moment holding a newborn baby and the immense amount of love the parent feels for their child instantly. The baby didn’t need to do anything but exist and they are loved. As we grow up we begin to lose that sort of love for ourselves. We get caught up in the race of life that makes us believe  we have to achieve and succeed to have worth and value. This lack of self-worth can carry high costs as we move forward in life.  (more…)