Getting Used to Change

Getting Used to Change

In my life, I regularly plan for the time when life slows down. Or at least is more predictable with less unknowns. I don’t know why I do this, because I am regularly taken off-guard by unknowns and change. Does this happen to you? This time of my life is no different.  (more…)

JOMO: The Joy of Missing Out

JOMO: The Joy of Missing Out

I read an article recently in the New York Times  that really resonated with me and I wanted to share it with you. I would love to get some feed back about how you approach this idea. The article was about JOMO, which the author explains is the “joy of missing out.” It is the antithesis to FOMO, or the “fear of missing out.”


Is This Thing On?

Is This Thing On?

I’ve been having an experience lately where I feel that I am second guessed more often than usual. For example, if I’m asked a question, after I give my answer I will often hear a response like, “really?” or someone offering a correction to my response, as if I got it wrong. And for the last several months, as I’ve been tuned into this experience, I have noticed a strong reaction in myself. “Yes, really!” Or as Stanley from The Office might say, “Did I stutter?!”  (more…)

Emotional Spring Cleaning

Emotional Spring Cleaning

I’m a big fan of tidying and getting rid of stuff I don’t use. A couple of years ago I used the KonMari Method to fully declutter my home and life, and it felt amazing! Maria Kondo developed this method and she teaches a process of decluttering according to categories of things, rather than doing a whole room at a time. This was such a helpful way to stay on track with my goals and not get derailed or distracted. Another important thing that she teaches is how to let go of things that you don’t necessarily need or like, but that you hang on to out of obligation or guilt. I didn’t know this was something I did, but I did and it was such a relief to let those things go.  (more…)

Mother Nature

Mother Nature

Every year as Spring rolls around, I feel the calming pull to be outside. I love the sun on my face and how being outside feels natural and connecting. It feels like a healthy reminder that I am part of a bigger picture, a great big world that needs me and I need it. I get excited to see new growth all around me and to see how seasons continue to change and offer a new perspective. Being in nature feels like a chance for self-care, and so I want to explore some of the ways we can work with nature to feel closer to our true selves.  (more…)