Don’t Forget to Schedule YOU Time

Don’t Forget to Schedule YOU Time

Feeling overwhelmed? You’re not alone. With fall underway, most of us are dealing with transitions with school, work, schedules, and with various other responsibilities. On top of that, the holidays are quickly approaching. Many of my clients, friends, and family have shared with me their fall plans and something I continually see people forgetting to schedule is time for themselves. (more…)

Life Lessons I Learned While Buying a Home

Life Lessons I Learned While Buying a Home

They say buying/moving into a new home is one of the top 10 most stressful life events, and I just did it while 7 months pregnant. Now that the process is over (Well, almost. Let’s be honest, organizing a new home feels like a never ending process), I’m very grateful for our new home. However, like any stressful event in life, I feel like there are many takeaway lessons. Here are a few that stood out to me:  (more…)

Life Doesn’t Get Easier

Life Doesn’t Get Easier

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but life does not get easier. Trials will still be thrown our way, bad things happen to good people, and the unexpected doesn’t stop happening. More than a few individuals have asked me, “I’ve gone through so much, when will it be my turn for a break and for life to just be easy for once?” These people are most often waiting for some sort of external force to cause them to have an easier life. (more…)