Up in the Air

Up in the Air

Coming to you this month from above the clouds. I’ve been given a very unique privilege of traveling to an island I’ve never heard of to represent one of my nations of citizenship in an international soccer tournament. For the past two weeks, people keep asking me, “are you excited?” To which I think- this is an amazing experience! So why does excitement feel like it’s at the bottom of the string of emotions I’m feeling?


Making Memories

Making Memories

Holidays are a good time to make memories with the people we love. They are a built-in reminder that the most important things are right in front of us. They also give us a break from typical day to day activities and are an excuse to show our love with time, gifts, and baked goods. (more…)

An Elf Rule

An Elf Rule

Buddy the Elf has some horrible ideas, but there is one rule that he has that is 100% true. And no, it’s not having maple syrup on spaghetti. Buddy tells his father “the best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear.” I wondered if this was true and after a quick Google search, I found that there are numerous articles about singing and how it has health benefits: physically, emotionally, and socially. 


Bring It In

Bring It In

One of the things I find myself talking about with clients is remaining connected. Connected with their family and friends and with their communities. This feels like such an important part of our human experience; to care about people and let them care about us. As I’ve worked on this in my own life there are times where I find it difficult to feel that connection, even though I want it. As I tune into news and/or social media and learn about the pain that we unnecessarily cause one other, I find that it makes me to want to pull back.  (more…)

Tis the Season for…Shopping?

Tis the Season for…Shopping?

The holiday season is officially upon us and with it comes celebrations of friendships, family, and beliefs.  But the holidays also bring additional baggage—some of it literal.  I’m talking about holiday shopping and unless you live in a bag, you’ve probably been inundated with ads, spam, commercials, and messages Everywhere. You. Go. reminding you to get your shopping on.   (more…)

Gratitude…The Right Way!

Gratitude…The Right Way!

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. Not only do I love the food and experience with family, I also love the idea that this is a time to “Give Thanks.” I try to orient myself toward gratitude the entire month of November. In my family we have a “gratitude tree” where we all try to identify one thing we are grateful for each day and add it to our tree, so that by the end of the month, our tree is “full” and is a visual representation of all the things we have to be grateful for.  (more…)

The Goal of Emotional Health

The Goal of Emotional Health

There’s something meaningful about giving ourselves a second chance at the beginning of each year. To be a better version of ourself and feel a fresh motivation for life.

This January, as you are looking ahead with hope and wonder about what the new year holds, it is my hope that you will have the goal to strengthen your emotional health. (more…)

Resisting Extreme Resolutions in 2017

Resisting Extreme Resolutions in 2017

It has begun.  With the ringing in of the New Year has come a cavalcade of propaganda, products, and peddlers all focused on convincing you to change your life. Starting with changing your body.  Gym ads on billboards, two-for-one specials on personal trainers, the latest workout gear on sale, and diet books greeting you as you walk into the bookstore.  (more…)