Goal-Setting for the New Year

Goal-Setting for the New Year

Setting and working toward achieving goals is a valuable tool to enhance emotional well-being. In fact, it may be one of the more powerful tools we have to becoming lastingly happier (Lyubormirsky, 2008). “People who strive for something personally significant, whether it’s learning a new craft, changing careers, or raising moral children, are far happier than those who don’t have strong dreams or aspirations. Find a happy person and you will find a project” (Lyubormirsky, 2008, p.205). There are several benefits individuals receive from pursing goals. Including increased feelings of confidence, an added sense of purpose and feeling of control, added structure to life and more effective time management, to just name a few.


Nourishing Your Well-Being

Nourishing Your Well-Being

Self-care during the holidays is vital, and a great way to plan for a fulfilling new year. Although we have reached the tail-end of this Holiday season, it is incredibly important that you still take care of yourself. Because chances are, you probably haven’t been thinking much about yourself thus far. And while that is seen as a noble deed, to not think of yourself, that doesn’t mean you need to stop taking care of yourself. Below I have listed a few different areas to focus on to make the reminder of the holidays as nourishing as they can be. Use the outline below and choose an activity from each category to focus on this week.


Add Yourself to your Christmas List This Year

Add Yourself to your Christmas List This Year

You know the saying, “fail to plan you plan to fail.” I have lived by that rule throughout my life. Everywhere I go I have lists, mainly to help me to remember important events or projects and their approaching deadlines. What I’ve found is that I’ve been successful at achieving tasks throughout the day—especially during the holidays. Some, but not all, of my lists include: groceries, gifts to buy, dinner parties, luncheons, decorating the house, holiday traditions, shopping frenzies. The lists go on and on and on. Unfortunately, I never scheduled me-time.


Supporting a Loved One During the Holidays

Supporting a Loved One During the Holidays

The holidays can be a stressful and challenging time for all of us.  But, if you struggle with eating concerns, the holidays can be even more daunting.  I often get asked by family and friends “How can I support my loved one during the holidays?” Well, this post is for you!  In it I’ll outline some of the challenges of the holiday season for those who struggle with eating concerns, and specific ways you can provide extra love and support during this time.  While I’ll be discussing eating concerns, know that these tips can be helpful for anyone to use this holiday season.  (more…)

Relaxation Techniques for Managing Holiday Stress

Relaxation Techniques for Managing Holiday Stress

If one of the emotions you feel this holiday season is stress, then here is a list of ideas to combat that stress and make the most of your celebrations. Many of the suggestions below are related to breathing. Focusing on your breathing is the quickest and easiest way to help regulate your feelings of stress. It also helps you get more oxygen to the brain so you can think clearer and feel more in charge of your emotional response.  (more…)

Parties and People and Food, Oh My!

Parties and People and Food, Oh My!

Navigating the Holiday Social Scene

The holiday season is wonderful.  It is also challenging.  During this season we are doing a lot of things we don’t typically do other times of the year. We are attending holiday parties, we are obsessing about what to wear to holiday parties, and we are searching for—and spending money on—ugly sweaters.  We are reconnecting with family and we are avoiding our crazy uncle (we all have one).  We’re eating differently (different foods, different schedules, different amounts). We are hunting for the perfect gift and we are standing in long lines. We’re making small talk with strangers at social gatherings. We are excited and we are exhausted. Need I say more?  (more…)

Food Strategies During the Holidays

Food Strategies During the Holidays

It’s the proverbial joke (and expectation) to gain weight over the holiday season. A few aspects of the holidays change our habitual eating routine for weeks: the abundance of freshly baked goods, meals with friends and family, and holiday parties to attend. This paired with the stresses of the holiday season can derail our ability to eat intuitively. It can also be quite stressful for individuals in recovery or seeking recovery from an eating disorder. (more…)

Vision for the Holidays

Vision for the Holidays

When you consider the holiday season, what comes to mind? Visions of sugar plums? The smell of simmering cider? The chill of frost on the window? Or do the holidays stress you out? As you move through your to-do list of gifts to purchase, parties to attend, friends not to be forgotten, family dramas to side-step, do you begin to question the point of the whole affair?  (more…)